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- 1000 printchr$(142);"[147][158]";
- 1010 poke53281,9:poke53280,12
- 1020 print" [157] [157] [157] [157] [146] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] ";
- 1030 print"[157][157][157] [157][157][157] [146] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [157][157][157] ";
- 1040 print"[145][145] [157][157][157] [157] [157] [157] ";
- 1050 print" [145] [145] [145] [145] "
- 1060 print" [157][157][157] [157] [157] [157] [145][145] [145][157] [145][157] [157][157][146][223][223][157][146][223][223]";
- 1070 print" [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157]";
- 1080 print" [157][157] [157] [157][157][157][157][157] [145][157][157][157][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157]";
- 1090 print" [157] [157] [157] [157] [145][145] [145][145][157] [157] [157] [157] [157] ";
- 1100 print"[145][145][157][145][145] [157][157][157] [157] [157] [157] ";
- 1105 print:print:print"";
- 1110 print" [157][157] [157] [157][157][157][157][157] [145][157][157][157][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157]";
- 1120 print"";
- 1130 print" [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [145][145][157][157][157][157] ";
- 1140 print"";
- 1150 print" [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157][157][157][145][145][145][145] [157] [157] ";
- 1160 print"";
- 1170 print" [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] [145][157] ";
- 1180 print"[157][157][157] [157][157][157] [146]";
- 1200 print:print:print"[129] inspired by a game by truck smith."
- 1210 print" completely revamped by jimmy w."
- 1300 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$:poke53281,11:poke53280,14
- 1301 print"[147]"
- 1400 print"[147] [212]he rules of [158]left/right game are"
- 1410 print:print"deceptively simple: [211]elect keys on the"
- 1420 print:print"keyboard for your left and right hands."
- 1430 print:print"[212]hen, at the tone, if the small block"
- 1440 print:print"on the screen has a black background,"
- 1450 print:print"press the key corresponding to the side"
- 1460 print:print"of the screen whose color bar matches"
- 1470 print:print"the color of the block."
- 1480 print:print:print" [208]ress space bar":poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 1500 print"[147] [201]f the background around the small"
- 1510 print:print"block is grey, then press the key"
- 1520 print:print"corresponding to the color bar that"
- 1530 print:print"doesn't match the color of the small"
- 1540 print:print"block."
- 1550 print:print" [217]ou get one second to decide which"
- 1551 print:print"key to press, then the clock starts to"
- 1552 print:print"count up. [201]f it reaches 10 seconds,"
- 1553 print:print"you lose. [201]f you ever press the wrong"
- 1554 print:print"key, you lose."
- 1560 print:print:print" [208]ress space bar":poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 1600 print"[147] [208]ress a key with your [158]left hand."
- 1610 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$(0)
- 1620 print"[147] [208]ress a key with your right hand."
- 1630 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$(1)
- 1631 ifkey$(0)<>key$(1)then1640
- 1632 gosub5900:print"[147][200]ey! [196]eadbrain![160][160][217]ou pressed the same"
- 1634 print:print"key for both hands! [215]ant to try again?"
- 1635 forc9=1to2444:next
- 1636 gosub5900
- 1638 goto1600
- 1640 print".........here goes....."
- 1650 forcc=1to500:next
- 2000 print"[147]"
- 2100 poke53281,14
- 2200 poke53280,7
- 2300 dimc$(16)
- 2400 ti$="000000":ts$=ti$
- 2600 gosub11300:reminit position array
- 2700 gosub11900:reminit colors
- 2800 forcx=1to4096
- 2900 lc=int(rnd(ti)*8+1):poke53280,lc+rnd(ti)*2:right%=rnd(ti)*2
- 3000 forc9=1to4:bk%(c9)=rnd(ti)*2:next
- 3100 bl=int(rnd(ti)*9)+1
- 3200 ifbl=5thenforc9=2to4:bk%(c9)=bk%(1):next
- 3300 ifbl=2thenbk%(1)=bk%(3)
- 3400 ifbl=4thenbk%(1)=bk%(2)
- 3500 ifbl=6thenbk%(3)=bk%(4)
- 3600 ifbl=8thenbk%(2)=bk%(4)
- 3700 gosub9200:gosub10300:gosub4500
- 3800 gosub5700:remscore
- 3900 gosub5900:remsound
- 4000 gosub5100:remtime
- 4100 gosub6600:remright/wrong
- 4200 nextcx
- 4300 goto12500
- 4400 rem"draw bars"
- 4500 printc$(lc+(right%=1));
- 4600 print"";spc(3);" ";
- 4700 printc$(lc+1+(right%=1));
- 4800 print"";spc(23);" ";
- 4900 return
- 5000 remkeywait & countdown
- 5100 ti$=ts$:k$=""
- 5200 getk$:ifk$=key$(0)ork$=key$(1)then5600
- 5300 gosub8000
- 5400 goto5200
- 5500 ifk$<>" "then5100
- 5600 ts$=ti$:return
- 5700 print"[146][211]core: ";sc;
- 5800 return:remfrom scoreprint
- 5900 rem start of round sound
- 6000 poke54296,0:poke54296,15
- 6100 poke54273,2:poke54272,44
- 6200 poke54277,7:poke54278,249
- 6300 poke54275,0:poke54276,33
- 6400 poke54276,32
- 6500 return
- 6600 ifright%=0thenifk$<>key$(bk%(bl%(bl)))then7000
- 6700 ifright%=1thenifk$=key$(bk%(bl%(bl)))then7000
- 6800 sc=sc+1
- 6900 return
- 7000 print"[147] [217]ou loose joweled turkey!"
- 7100 print:print"[217]ou don't even know your left from your"
- 7200 print:print"right!.... [217]our final score was a"
- 7300 print:print"mere "sc" out of a possible (to"
- 7400 print:print"anyone with the brains of a gnat) score"
- 7500 print:print"of 4096."
- 7600 print"............ [217]ou want to play again?"
- 7700 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 7800 ifk$<>"y"then12400
- 7900 run
- 8000 print"[146]"spc(22)"[212]ime used: "val(ti$);
- 8100 ifti$>"000010"then8300
- 8200 return:remfrom time print
- 8300 print"[147][217]ou deadbrained poke!"
- 8400 print:print"[217]our ten seconds of indecision have"
- 8500 print:print"cost you dearly. [217]our final score is"
- 8600 print:print"a mere "sc" points out of a possible"
- 8700 print:print"4096."
- 8800 print:print" [196]o you want to give your brain a rest?"
- 8900 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 9000 ifk$="y"then12400
- 9100 run
- 9200 forc9=217to242:pokec9,peek(c9)or128:next
- 9300 print"";:forc=1to11:printspc(20);bg$(bk%(3));" ";
- 9400 next
- 9500 print"";
- 9600 forc=1to11:printspc(20);bg$(bk%(4));" ";:next
- 9700 forc9=217to242:pokec9,peek(c9)or128:next
- 9800 print"";:forc=1to11:printbg$(bk%(1));" ":next
- 9900 print"";
- 10000 forc=1to11:printbg$(bk%(2));" ":next
- 10100 forc9=217to242:pokec9,peek(c9)or128:next
- 10200 return
- 10300 remdraw box
- 10400 gosub10100
- 10500 printc$(lc+lr);
- 10600 d$=""
- 10700 print"";left$(d$,po%(1,bl));
- 10800 gosub10100
- 10900 fori=0to6
- 11000 printspc(po%(0,bl))" "
- 11100 nexti
- 11200 return
- 11300 forc9=1to9:readpo%(0,c9):readpo%(1,c9):next
- 11400 data5,2,15,2,25,2,5,7,15,7,25,7,5,12,15,12,25,12:remhoriz/vert block pos'n
- 11500 bl%(1)=1:bl%(2)=1:bl%(3)=3
- 11600 bl%(4)=1:bl%(5)=1:bl%(6)=3
- 11700 bl%(7)=2:bl%(8)=2:bl%(9)=4
- 11800 return
- 11900 remcolor initialization
- 12000 c$="[159][158][156][129][149][152][150]"
- 12100 forc9=0to15:c$(c9)=mid$(c$,c9+1,1):next
- 12200 bg$(0)="[144]":bg$(1)="[155]"
- 12300 return
- 12400 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 12405 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 12500 print"[147] [217]ou clod! [196]o you realize you have"
- 12600 print:print"over an hour of your precious time to"
- 12700 print:print"win this stupid game!?!?!"
- 12800 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 12900 ifk$<>"y"thenrun
- 13000 goto12400